About Us
The Order Knights of Pythias is a chivalric order and fraternal organization dedicated to inspiring those knightly virtues which elevate mankind and inspire Friendship, Charity, and Benevolence. Our Order derives its name from the historical account of Damon and Pythias, two friends who mutually pledged their lives to each other and famously held fast to their word of honor, even to the point of death. Knights of Pythias the world over are inducted, initiated, and congregated in local lodges which are subordinate to the Grand Lodge of their state or domain, and all are under the authority of the Supreme Lodge.
Candidates for initiation into the Order are carefully chosen and artfully initiated in secret rituals, wherein the carefully guarded inheritance and legacy of brotherhood and life-long friendship is shared just as it has been since its inception. The ritual work of our Order continues to impress and instruct all who witness its discipline. We thereby cultivate and foster the same chivalric principles that have enlightened those in our ranks for over 150 years. In traditions that trace their origins to Ancient and Classical Greece, to Pythagoras and his fabled Pythagorean Society, through Medieval Europe’s knightly past, and finally arriving at our own Order, the highest thoughts of the greatest minds and hearts find safe repose and bright revival within the portals of our Castle Halls.
The Grand Lodge of Missouri, like the Order on the whole, is dedicated to putting our motto of Friendship, Charity, and Benevolence into practice not just among ourselves but especially among the community at large. We are proud of our tireless charitable work and fundraising for diabetes and cancer research, and we are inexhaustible in our enthusiastic support of youth-based organizations and summer camps for underprivileged girls and boys. The Knights of Pythias host family social events including dances, dinners, parties, weekends away, and entertainment. The Order offers college scholarships for Pythian related children, credit unions, health and financial programs, assistance in gaining admission to skilled nursing facilities, rehab centers, and hospices, and much more.

