From the Desk of Steve Glise, CDSC, Grand Secretary

by | Jul 23, 2020 | 0 comments

From the Desk of:
Steve Glise CDSC
Grand Secretary

July 23, 2020


Dear Brothers;

We are still in the midst of unprecedented times, at least in the last 100 years.We are far from being out of the woods yet as to Covid-19. As to the resumption of meetings, the safety and health of all must continue to take precedence. Some of our lodges have been able to meet again, some re-opened and had to close again for a time. The annual Grand Lodge Convention, October 15-17, is still a ‘go’, the hotel is continuing to ensure the safety of all guests and making arrangements for all meals involved (including breakfast). More information will be sent to lodge secretaries.

The Supreme Lodge Convention is also still a ‘go’, for October 1-7 in Newark, NJ.  But as with all meetings, conventions and the like, prevailing governmental restrictions (if any) will determine if there are any further postponements.

Even with the pandemic, there has been continued communication and plans being made for 1-2 new lodges. The 1st new lodge institution has been scheduled for October 3rd in Emporia, KS. The 2nd could well occur before the end of this year (in California, MO). This goes to show that progress can continue, with the use of e-mail, telephone, text. M.A.G.I.C. can still happen if we are ‘United for Progress’.

Also, next July 7th is our Domain’s Sesquicentennial. There are proposals and plans to hold one or more events to commemorate this occasion. It is hoped that both subordinate lodges and the Grand Lodge will hold these events. Further information will be sent to the subordinate lodge secretaries.

Above all, you and yours please remain Safe and Healthy. No one knows 100% for certain, as to the complexities of this virus. But by taking the 3 simple precautions (hand-washing, social distancing and face masks), we CAN greatly reduce and even eliminate the chances of contracting it.

Fraternally, in FCB,

Steve Glise CDSC
Grand Secretary
Grand Domain of Missouri

by Grand Lodge of Missouri

Grand Domain of the Knights of Pythias for the states of Missouri, Kansas, and Arkansas





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