The Grand Council met on April 22nd, 2023, at Heady Bar-B-Que in Republic, MO.
In attendance were the following Brothers:
Grand Chancellor Larry Caudle, PGC (Syracuse #437),
Grand Vice Chancellor Dan Wakefield, PGC (Fraternal #14),
Grand Prelate Dylan Callahan, PC (Damascus #445),
Grand Secretary Steve Glise, PGC, CDSC (Sicilian #39),
Grand Treasurer Randy Todd, PGC, SR (Sicilian #39),
Grand Master-at-Arms Casey Pemberton, PC, DDGC (Moniteau #446),
Grand Inner Guard Troy Steinert, PC (Syracuse #437),
Grand Outer Guard Jordan Brizendine, PC (Moniteau #446),
Grand Trustees and Law & Supervision Chairman Chuck Morris, PGC, SR (Sicilian #39),
as well as
District Deputy Grand Chancellor Patrick Hill, PGC (Syracuse #437),
Gary Benskin, PGC (Syracuse #437), and
Dale Roller, PGC (Syracuse #437).
Attending for the purpose of receiving the Grand Lodge Rank was
Gerald McCoy, PC (Syracuse #437).
The agenda included receiving reports from Grand Officers, committees, subordinate lodges, districts, etc., determining the location of the 2023 Grand Lodge Convention, and long-range planning.
Lunch was served after the meeting, and the next Grand Council meeting will be held the day before the GL Convention, October 12, 2023. (Location and time TBA.)