Posts Written by

Dylan Callahan

District 4 Meeting Sept. 23

District 4 met on Saturday, September 23rd, in Odessa, Missouri, to discuss the district's membership needs and the upcoming Grand Lodge Convention.  Represented were Sicilian Lodge #39, Damascus...

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Sesquicentennial in Springfield

Knights, Ladies and Interested Individuals, Join the Knights of Pythias as we celebrate the Sesquicentennial of the formation of our Domain in Missouri. We are celebrating One Hundred Fifty years of...

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Proclamation for Vernon L. Hull, PGC

P R O C L A M A T I O N for Vernon L. Hull, Past Grand Chancellor         Whereas, the Supreme Ruler on High has seen fit in His infinite wisdom, to call upon Vernon L. Hull to become a member...

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Sicilian Lodge #39 Rank Work August 15th

Secretary Chuck Morris of Sicilian Lodge #39 has announced the next regular meeting of the Lodge will begin at 11am on Saturday, August 15th, at the Masonic Hall in Emporia, Kansas.  There will be...

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Official Photo of Pythian Flag

The Supreme Statutes have been updated to show a photograph of the design of the flag of the Order.  Quoting the statutes: The standard or flag of the Order Knights of Pythias shall be composed of...

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about Dylan Callahan

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