From Grand Secretary Steve Glise: "On behalf of Grand Chancellor Caudle and the Grand Council, it is a pleasure to announce the Institution of a new Lodge within our Domain - Damascus #445 in...
From the Desk of Steve Glise, CDSC, Grand Secretary
From the Desk of: Steve Glise CDSC Grand Secretary July 23, 2020 Dear Brothers; We are still in the midst of unprecedented times, at least in the last 100 years.We are far from being out of...
Sicilian Lodge #39 Rank Work August 15th
Secretary Chuck Morris of Sicilian Lodge #39 has announced the next regular meeting of the Lodge will begin at 11am on Saturday, August 15th, at the Masonic Hall in Emporia, Kansas. There will be...
Notice of 149th Annual Grand Lodge Convention
Knights of Pythias, Grand Domain of Missouri Notice of 149th Annual Grand Lodge Convention Brothers of the Grand Lodge, Knights of Pythias of MO & Pythians in Good Standing; The 149th...
PROCLAMATION for C. David Williams III, Past Grand Chancellor
Whereas, the Supreme Ruler on High has seen fit in His infinite wisdom, to call upon C. David Williams III to become a member of His official family on July 1, 2020; and, Whereas, Brother Williams...
Plans for New Lodge Announced
From Grand Secretary Steve Glise, CDSC: A new Lodge will be instituted within the Domain of Missouri, Saturday, October 3rd (time TBA), in Emporia, KS! Grand Chancellor Larry Caudle will be the...
Official Photo of Pythian Flag
The Supreme Statutes have been updated to show a photograph of the design of the flag of the Order. Quoting the statutes: The standard or flag of the Order Knights of Pythias shall be composed of...